
Franny Martens's picture

Brexit: Making Sense Of Complex Challenges

Jul 14 2016 12:30
RMIT City Campus, Lecture Theatre, Building 13, level 3
379-405 Russell St

The decision in the British referendum that the United Kingdom leave the European Union has shocked people not only in the United Kingdom and Europe, but throughout the world. It has added to instability in global markets, and has generated profound uncertainty about the future relations amongst Britain, Europe and Australia.

Hervey Gibson's picture

The PASCAL Glasgow Statement on Innovation in Building Sustainable Learning Cities

In blazingly wonderful weather, the very successful 13th PASCAL Conference in Glasgow was brought to a close by Dr Peter Kearns, who articulated the proceedings and the consensus that delegates had found.  The PASCAL Glasgow Statement on Innovation in Building Sustainable Learning Cities describes the steps that PASCAL will take over the next two years, the networks it will work through, and the people, institutions and initiatives PASCAL will be allied with.  These learning plans express an appetite for innovation which characterizes PASCAL’s practical contribution, and they are set in the moral context of global social cohesion which continues to inspire PASCAL’s members.

Katarzyna Borkowska's picture

On the eve of the PASCAL 2016 Conference - Programme, Papers and Showcases

On the eve of the PASCAL 2016 Conference in Glasgow 3-5 June, 2016, here's a reminder that a full set of information on places, times and facilities is available online for you to reference or download (click on each image):

Mike Osborne's picture

PASCAL 2016 Conference registration and hotel booking reminders

Please note that the deadline for registration for the PASCAL 2016 Conference, if you have not already done so, is May 15; this has to be strictly adhered to. So please register on the Conference website.

Please also note that the preferred rates that we have for hotels will only be available up until one month before the conference. So you need to ensure your hotel booking by May 3 if you wish to use these hotels at the rates shown in the ATTEND section of the Conference website.

Norman Longworth's picture

Universal Declaration on the Responsibilities of Man

Recent global events – the Paris and Brussels bombings, the refugee crisis, the sustainability agreement, the rise of Trump-fuelled hate and more – have prompted me to ask whether PASCAL can and should have a much larger role in world affairs and, if so, what? Given the resources available to it centrally the answer must be no, but by mobilizing just a small amount of its vast member knowledge to think laterally there is a possibility of producing something that might make a difference.

Trevor Gale's picture

Social Transformations in Scandinavian Cities - Nordic Perspectives on Urban Marginalisation & Social Sustainability

*** New Title - Scandinavian Studies ***

Scandinavian countries are generally associated with extensive public services and low levels of poverty. However, reality has changed dramatically over the last three decades, and Scandinavia’s cities now share many of the problems and challenges familiar from other Western cities. How do the welfare states handle these global societal transformations?

Chris Shepherd's picture

PASCAL Special Interest Group - Public Sector Interface

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) were agreed by the PASCAL Board as part of a recent review of PASCAL structures in order to give focus to the advice required by the Board in particular areas of its work; PASCAL is therefore now establishing a series of these SIGs.

Josef Konvitz's picture

Call for papers - Special Issue of the International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development: Connecting Cities and Universities at Strategic Frontiers

*** Deadline for submission of papers: 15 December 2015 ***

This special issue will focus on strategic knowledge-based development frontiers in employment, migration, health, food security and climate change, and cultural engagement. These global issues pose problems at every level, down to micro-districts. They are strategic because what happens will determine the kind of cities and regions in which we will live. They are on the frontier because they generate conflict or could lead to greater co-operation. And they are critical to knowledge-based development because we do not know how to solve them; indeed, we do not even know how to cope with them very well, unsolved.

Muir Houston's picture

Launch of the CR&DALL Working Paper Series

The first edition of the CR&DALL Working Paper Series (WP101/2015) has been launched with a paper by Paul Benneworth (CHEPS, University of Twente) and Mike Osborne (CR&DALL, University of Glasgow) entitled Understanding universities and entrepreneurship education: towards a comprehensive future research agenda.

Leone Wheeler's picture

Reports from the 12th PASCAL International Conference – Connecting Cities and Universities at Strategic Frontiers

Summary reports from the 12th PASCAL International Conference – Connecting Cities and Universities at Strategic Frontiers- hosted by the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Catania, Catania, Italy.  7-9 October 2015.

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