
Lucy Bate's picture

Two Vacancies at University of Wales, Trinity Saint David - Work-based Learning

We look forward to hearing from candidates who want to play a crucial part in enabling the further development of the award-winning Wales Institute for Work-based Learning, and its innovative bilingual Professional Practice Framework. The Institute delivers high quality modules from level 4 to Professional Doctorate, and works with employers to accredit their staff development programmes.

Sorina Oprea's picture

Generations Working Together (GWT) training courses

These training courses will be of interest to those who are keen to embed intergenerational approaches within their programme of work.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this training participants will:

Glen Postle's picture

"Inequality: The Facts and the Future" - A report by Chifley Research Centre

The Inclusive Prosperity Commission is a major policy project of the Chifley Research Centre, the think tank of the Australian Labor Party. Since its launch in 2014, the Commission has been exploring the threat to Australia’s future economic growth presented by growing inequality – and new policies to respond.

Amanda Crichton's picture

European Climate Diplomacy Week Events

The landmark Paris Agreement signed last year provides a critical turning point to engage the global community to address climate change and embrace the opportunity for a net zero emissions future.

European Climate Diplomacy Week is September 12-16, a time when EU Delegations around the world reach out to communities and partner organisations, highlighting positive global action and collaboration on climate change.

Sarah Currier's picture

UBDC Call for Expressions of Interest - Update and upcoming Webinar

Hello all – just a wee update re promoting UBDC’s current Call for Expressions of Interest – we had an info webinar yesterday (24/8) about the Call and UBDC’s Services – a recording is now available here.

Leone Wheeler's picture

PASCAL SIG - Public Sector Interface: Competitiveness and the Economy, Issue One: March 2016

The purpose of this PASCAL Special Interest Group (SIG) is to examine the interface between PASCAL and the public policy sectors. While this topic is a very broad it cuts across sectors and issues, including innovative resource sharing and the role of institutions of higher education, and those organizations that develop policy. It includes the development of intercultural activity.

Chris Shepherd's picture

PASCAL Special Interest Groups

PASCAL is establishing a series of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to give focus to the advice required by the Board in particular areas.

The Groups will consist of 6 to 8 people, made up of academics and  practitioners in the public, private and NGO sectors and will have a wide geographical spread and gender balance so far as possible. The members of the Groups will serve for up to 3 years with the possibility of renewal and the Groups will report to the Board at least annually with the invitation to report more frequently when needed.

Peter Neil's picture

New UALL Post - Vice Chair, International

At our recent meeting of the Executive Committee in July, we discussed at various points in the meeting, the focus on our international dimension and UALL’s increasing presence in international Lifelong Learning events and conferences. 

Howard Richards's picture

Unbounded Organizing in Community

Unbounded Organizing in Community is a new book by Gavin Andersson and Howard Richards...

Josef Konvitz's picture

Report on the 13th PASCAL International Conference - University of Glasgow, 3-5 June 2016

LEARNING CITIES 2040 was the theme that brought  over 100 academics, analysts, practitioners and decision-makers from 31 countries together in Glasgow, 3-5 June 2016. With over 60 papers in parallel session and 17 city showcases from Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Oceana, the Glasgow conference was a learning city microcosm.

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